Monday, June 14, 2010

Chapter 4 - Adventures in Sassy Town

June 12 & 13

Over the weekend a group of us decided, randomly, to head north to the Baltic Sea and explore Rugen Island of the coast of North Germany. The extent of our plan was to get to the main town of Bergen, in the center of the island. Our train left at 6:34 so we gave what we though was adequate time to get there and decided to meet at 5:45. But of coarse someone oversleeps, therefore we weren't able to leave until 6:10. To make up lost time we decided to run for the U55, the train that connects us to the main station to the main station, which of coarse happened to be closed, to clean the floors. By this time we only had about 15 minutes to make our train, so we decided to run for it. I was in charge of directions, so i took a wild guess, and started sprinting to what i hoped was the train station. And i am glad to say we made it, barely! It was nearly 1.5 miles to the train station, and i swear up hill the entire way.

On the train ride through the German country side it was interesting to see how people outside of the city live. In the U.S. everyone is spread out all over the landscape, where as in Germany, everyone lives together, either in a city or a small town, we never saw a random house out in a field or on top of a hill. Through every small town in which we traveled there seemed to be a strong sense of community, more so than in the U.S. The towns were very peaceful, clean, yet full of life.

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